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Wittman Winery

The wine-growing region of Weingut Wittmann is located in Rheinhessen - a popular wine region with excellent climatic conditions. This hilly growing area has resources of loess, sand, marl, limestone, clay, red soil, brown soil, quartzite and porphyry in its soils, with average temperatures between 9.4 and 10.4 degrees Celsius.

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Wittman Winery

The wine-growing region of Weingut Wittmann is located in Rheinhessen - a popular wine region with excellent climatic conditions. This hilly growing area has resources of loess, sand, marl, limestone, clay, red soil, brown soil, quartzite and porphyry in its soils, with average temperatures between 9.4 and 10.4 degrees Celsius. The Wittmanns' vineyard covers an area of ​​25 hectares, where grapes of the Chardonnay, Silvaner, Scheurebe, as well as Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir varieties are grown, but almost 65% of the area is occupied by Riesling, a white grape variety with a deep bouquet and high acidity. Its aroma is reminiscent of a refreshing touch of citrus fruits. Dry, semi-sweet and sparkling wines are made on its basis.

Historical background

The history of the Wittmann winery goes back to the 17th century, when the Wittmann family settled in Westhofen and planted a vineyard. Since then, 350 vintages and 15 generations of winemaking heritage have evolved into its perfect form today - like the organic certification achieved in 1990 and the biodynamic certification the winemakers have enjoyed since 2004. This is a testament to the balance of the plantation and the quality of the wines, which are produced with depth and precision.

Ecology first

Rheinhessen wine region map

Winemaking traditions passed down from generation to generation are extremely valuable. But the ability to combine tradition with organic farming is a real asset. This wealth can be found in the owners of the Wittmann winery, Günter and his son Philipp Wittmann, who are considered pioneers in the production of organic products in Germany. On the other hand, the cultivation of vines in accordance with their biodynamics means that chemicals and synthetic substances are avoided in the cultivation process, but also that the natural growth dynamics of the plants are used. All this makes the wines produced with this technology sustainable and harmonious, which every wine connoisseur will appreciate.

Excellent quality

The Wittmann winery has been using the quality certificate for 3 years. It has been awarded in the most important wine guides – Gaut Millau and Eichelmann. To produce a wine of such excellent quality, you have to work from the ground up. The Wittmanns are aware that the basis of their product is not the fruit itself, but above all the soil on which their vines grow. They therefore take care to activate the soil life, for which they use self-composted manure. The winemakers pay a lot of attention to each individual plant because they believe that daily contact, the right microclimate and balanced nutrients ensure the excellent quality of the grapes.

The essence of grapes

After the harvest, the vineyard workers carefully select the fruit. Only the best specimens are subjected to the pressing process, which occurs naturally. The pressed juice flows by gravity into a cellar prepared up to 6 meters underground - this provides perfect conditions for fermentation. This in turn is only supported by natural yeasts and the process itself is slow and gentle. The initially cloudy and sweet grape juice turns into an excellent, persistent wine. However, ideal conditions are necessary for this, but also experience - and Philipp Wittmann is responsible for this, who monitors the fermentation process, tastes, notes and adjusts all factors that bring him closer to his goal of a perfect vintage. The wine likes calm and serenity. The prerequisites for this are in the vaulted cellar, built in 1829 and housing 80 wooden barrels, each containing the harvest from a plot of the vineyard.